Friday, October 09, 2009

Obama's Plot To Take My Nobel Away

It is well known that I truly deserve the Nobel Prize. And yet, it was snatched away from me and given to Barak Obama. I think its a plot against me. I can only say this, I don't see one reason why Barak Obama should get the Nobel Prize (apart from talking a lot). I can give two solid reasons why I am a truly deserving candidate for the nobel prize:
1. I am a vegetarian
2. I don't smoke and provide revenue to tobacco companies


Ashok said...

Then I should get the Nobel, I'm vegetarian, dont smoke and I promise I'll auction off the gold medallion and use it for good cause. [Do they give the money in cash ;)]

John said...

As a fellow blogger I will nominate you for next year's Nobel. But it is likely that Obama will be the permanent nominee and winner. Therefore - you're probably out of luck.

Unknown said...

Thanks John. :)

Maitree said...

We will vote for you next year my frnd..

The Other FP said...

Drats - I could not send you personal email (no email links here!!)

I'm only 2 years behind, I know...but I just saw this youtube video - it made me LOL